Our mission is to provide guidance and clarity when answering various psycho-legal questions by completing comprehensive, unbiased forensic evaluations.

Brie Pileggi, Psy.D., LP, ABPP

Board Certified Forensic Psychologist

Dr. Pileggi completes comprehensive, forensic psychological evaluations to assist judges, juries, and attorneys by answering various psycho-legal questions. She has experience working in correctional facilities as both a sheriff’s detention deputy and in mental health, which provides her with a unique perspective. Dr. Pileggi is bilingual, and able to complete assessments in both English and Spanish. Her reports assist in both civil and criminal cases, including in the areas of:

  • Competency

  • Criminal responsibility

  • Civil commitment

  • Malingering/deception

  • Expert rebuttal

  • Mitigation

  • Diagnostic assessment

  • Independent medical examination

Dr. Pileggi is a licensed in Minnesota and through PsyPact, which, as of 01/01/2024, allows her to practice in 39 states: https://psypact.org/mpage/psypactmap

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